Comments on: 99 Amazing Facts About Islam That You Should Know InfotainWorld Fri, 31 Mar 2017 06:30:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peaceful Return Thu, 05 Jan 2017 03:48:00 +0000 In reply to Peaceful.

There are no differences between Islam. You have probably made your mind after seeing what media is portraying. Before making any judgment or argument you first need to read the philosophy and teachings of that religion. Below are answers of your questions.

1-There is no Asian or Arab or African Islam. There is only one Islam. The concept of Imams is to elaborate the basics teachings in different eras, where cultural norms are different. The basic ideology of Islam is same while its implementation is according to that culture in specific Areas. This is the only beauty and diversity of religion Islam.

2-Arabs are killing woman and kids? Well give me a single example of this? Instead i give you thousands where US has killed innocent women, old people and kids. The most barbaric and heinous crimes ever did by any country.

3- Arabs enjoy sexual crime. Oh really. What if I tell you that U.S. India and other European countries are in top 10 in list of rape crimes? Where your daughter/ sister get raped in her teen… And you question about Islam. Have you ever read what Islam is saying about women? How Islam protect women and how much it give respect to them?

There are bad people in every part of the world belong to every religion. Instead of blaming the single one and you should check same issues related part of the world and you will be shocked to know the outcomes. Thanks

By: Peaceful Thu, 05 Jan 2017 00:32:00 +0000 There are many difference between Islam it self, from peaceful, democratic, and radical Islam, because they follow different imam. You can learn it from Arab, Africa, and Asian Islam, they are different. Arabs are radical Islam, they ejoy killing, especialy killing woman and kids even doing small mistakes. Arab enjoy sexual abuse, because their goal in earth and afterlife is sex pleasure. Learn it you will notice which Islam they are
