We all are aware of the major death statistics. Thousands of people mostly die because of some deadly diseases like cancer, accidents or other worst illnesses everyday. But did you know that many of them die from just falling out of bed or by Lawnmowers? Let’s have a look at some of the unexpected death statistics of Americans.
10-Islamic Jihadist Immigrants Killed 3 People
Since Sep, 2001 the U.S. has permitted 784,000 refugees into the country. It is surprising that since 9/11 only 3 refugees were found in link with terrorism. While two of them were trying to leave the country to join terrorist groups abroad. The ratio is 0.00038% of the refuges in the United States.
Since 9/11 approximately twice people have been executed by non-Muslim extremists and white supremacists. The US records shows that these refugees are not a threat to the country. Instead of following what Donald Trumph has said, it is time to restore our trust among the people who will live with us.
9-Armed Toddlers Killed 23 People Annually
It is surprising to know that in U.S. children have shot more people than Muslim terrorists have. Despite Muslim terrorists executed nobody in the U.S. in 2016, Toddlers have a score of 23 causalities.
Every town for Gun Safety, the pro-gun-control group has reported at least 77 incidents in just 2016 in which a child younger than 18 has unintentionally shot someone. This mostly happens because toddlers have easy accessibility of guns. Incidents involving toddlers and guns often don’t get reported so these stats could very well be incorrect and death count can be increases.
8-Lightning Kills 33 People Per Year in US
Do you know that the average lightning strike can light a 100 watt bulb for more than 3 months. Lightning can reach up to a temperature of 50,000 degrees (F).
Lightning strikes are considered 10 percent deadly on average. Means every 10 people out of 100 get killed due to lightning. During thunderstorm no outside place is safe. If you hear the thunder it means lightning is very close to you. You should immediately move to safer place (shelter, building or any vehicle). According to NOAA during 2003-2014, on average 33 people get killed annually due to lightning. While alone 36 people get killed in 2016 so far because of lightning strikes.
7-Far Right Wing Terrorist Murdered 48 People in US Since 9/11
According to Arie Perliger, director of terrorism studies at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, There are three ideologies in the violent Americans: fundamentalist, anti federalist and far right racist.
A report by New America shows that since Sep, 2001 Islamic jihadist struck 10 times leaving dead 94 while far right wing terrorists launched 18 attacks that murdered 48 people.
These are not the typical “Islamic Jihadist” as described by the American politicians in the boogeyman stories who exploit fear for votes. These and other untold thousands like them is the US citizen non- Muslim terrorist who hides among us and have killed more Americans in the united states than Islamic- terrorists have. These homegrown terrorists are more deadly than jihadist.
While complaining about the biased role of media Abdul Cader Asmal, a retired physician and spokesman for Muslims in Boston said
“With non-Muslims, the media bends over backward to identify some psychological traits that may have pushed them over the edge, whereas if it’s a Muslim, the assumption is that they must have done it because of their religion.”
6-Lawnmowers Kills 75 People per year in US
Do you know that moving the lawn is one of the most risky household tasks to do? Most people think that it is perfectly safe, while it’s not. According to the statistics collected by CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission) in Just 2009, around 20,000 people were killed and 300,000 injured by lawnmowers. The shocking thing is that every year nearly 800 children get hurt with 600 of them resulting in amputation. In 2015 the numbers of deaths are greatly reduced due to public awareness campaigns. (report)
5-All Islamic Jihadist Terrorist (Including US citizen) Killed 91 People since 9/11

Since 9/11, Islamic Jihadists have killed 94 people in United States. The attack in Orlando which killed 51 US citizen was the deadliest terrorist attack in America since 9/11 and the deadliest mass shooting in US history. However these attacks are not as lethal as US experienced in 9/11.
As for as the U.S. fight against Islamic terrorism is concerned it is interesting to note that the death toll by Islamic jihadist is almost similar to the other form of political and non political violence US citizen face today.
4-283 Were Killed Being Hit by a Bus
There is no doubt the number of accidents that occur while driving on the road in America are constantly increasing every year.
People uses buses for transportation, going for their jobs, carrying children to school, going different points in a city and traveling across the country. Buses provide affordable convenience to many people. Buses are consider much safer option for traveling however, every year buss accidents do occur causing property damage, injuries and fatalities.
While according to the 2013 statistics:
- Total number of people killed – 310
- Total number of people injured – 18,000
3-Falling out of Bed kill 650 People in US Annually
Death by falling out of bed? Yeah! You heard that right. Beds are for comfort but beware they can risk your life too. There are alone 650 people died by falling from bed in US. A person is far more possibly to die falling out of bed than traveling on a railway. According to a report around 1.8 million cases were registered where victim got injured by falling out of bed. This include young and old as well, while people with the age above 65 years have more tendency to death.
2-Texting While Driving kills 3,179 people in U.S. Alone
A study by VTTI (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute) states that driver’s collision risk is 23% higher while they are texting.
In 2014 around 3,179 people were get killed while 431,000 get injured due to distracted drivers. Texting while driving is more dangerous form of distracted driving as it combines three categories of distractions (using a cell phone, texting and using map navigation).
1-Being Shot by Another American, 14,052 Dead in 2016
Gun violence is the biggest reason of human’s deaths in USA. Every year thousands of people get murder by their fellow ones. These numbers includes everything from accidental shooting to self defense incidents and multiple gang assaults to homicides.
According to the Gun Violence Archive, a non profitable website that gathered data from 1,200 sources has reported 54,407 incidents of gun violence in just 2016. On average 38 Americans get killed by guns each day.
From 2005 -2015, 71 Americans were killed in terrorists attacks on U.S. While 301,797 were killed by gun violence in the same period. At least 641 children have been killed by gunfire in 2016.
These numbers are almost 50 percent of the total incidents that occur in the country, as much of the data can’t be reported or present on record.
we should first think about the solution how to lessen our own citizen on citizen violence. Gun deaths are normally intentional; people deliberately murder either themselves or someone else.