21 Photos and Videos That Prove Women Are Worst

In Women’s case, shopping is the most important part of life. Either you have a girlfriend or wife, Women love shopping and are crazy about that. This is where most of the guys suck. They hate shopping and bargaining and watching same stuff again and again and again. These images and videos will show how cruel women are towards men when it comes to shopping. Let’s check out 21 photos and videos that prove women are worst.

These images are shared on a hilarious instagram account named as Miserable Men of Instagram. With over 278k+ followers, this humourous account covers the pictures of boyfriends’ and husbands’, who are waiting at malls and departmental stores as their partners are busy in shopping.

1-Totally clueless: This man looks bewildered at his wife as she asks for advice of trousers

2-Not amused at all: This man looks too bored while waiting for his partner to finish shopping.

21 Photos and Videos That Prove Women Are Worst

3-That face tells the whole story.

Women Are Worst

4-That would be some nice place to fall asleep.

Women Are Worst

5-Life is literally becomes miserable when men went with their partners on shopping.

Women Are Worst

6- This Old dude is having an awesome time in the mall.

Women Are Worst

7-I am having moment of my life, when you finished just let me know.

Women Are Worst

8-These comfy sofas are the hot spots in any departmental store.

Women Are Worst

9-Smartphones are relationship savors.

Women Are Worst

10-When grumpy husbands are not allowed.

Women Are Worst

11-Taking the opportunity to relax while your co-shopper is busy.

Women Are Worst

12-These ladies bags telling the whole story.

Women Are Worst

13-Heaven time.

Women Are Worst

14-When you give a zero concern to what around you.

Women Are Worst

15-Oldies taking some break.

Women Are Worst

16-Champs never get down- Come On lad.

Women Are Worst

17-Shedding tears while holding her partner’s bag sums up what is shopping for men.

Women Are Worst

Let’s check out some vides which also tell you why women are worst.

18-This crappy woman driver.

19-The award of worst driver of the year goes to this lady.

20-She seems happy to damage the property.

21-This compilation will explain everything why women are worst.

Do you have any personal experience with the worstness of women? share with us in comments. We will love to include in our next list.