Behind the Badge: The Secret Formula of the World’s Best Police Forces

A police department is responsible for keeping peace in your area. Grabbing all the lawbreakers and fighting against evil are the primary goals of a police department.

Everyone complains about police brutality and corruption, but no one recognizes their abilities or the sacrifices they made to save our lives. Being a policeman is one of the most dangerous job in the world. Which police force is better in the world right now? We conducted extensive research in this area. Let’s check out some of the best police forces in the world.

A police force can be evaluated using certain criteria. There could be some statistics to speak for some of the more efficient police forces in the world. Some of the parameters used to measure the progress of a police force are its ability to tackle crime, resources and efficiency, public protection, protecting vulnerable people, implementation of neighborhood policing, lowest expenditure on them, fewest cops per 100,000 population, fewest shots fired by them in a year, and fewest people beaten, shot, and killed, satisfaction and fairness; and local priorities.

Here we have enlisted some of the best police departments in the world to monitor their progress.

12-The People’s Armed Police Force – China

best china police force

The PAPF is made up of the internal security force as well as various police forces. The PAPF also includes border public safety, firefighting, and security guard forces. The People’s Armed Police Force (PAPF) is tasked with the fundamental task of ensuring national security, social stability, and that people live and work in peace and happiness. The Chinese police force has a total force size of 1.1 to 1.5 million people, making it one of the largest in the world. The People’s Armed Police Force’s primary responsibility is to maintain peace and eradicate criminals from Chinese society. Money laundering, drug trafficking, corruption, human trafficking, fraud, and the circulation of counterfeit currency are the most common crimes.

China is home to an estimated 1.5 billion people. Maintaining law and order among so many people is not an easy task. While statistics show that China has been very successful in keeping and maintaining peace and a criminal-free society, according to the 2015 Crime Index by Country report, China ranks 74th in the world, while the United States ranks 45th.

A policy known as “grid management” is one of the most important factors in maintaining public order. An area would be divided into many blocks, with regular patrol police, surveillance cameras, and employees from local committees stationed in each.

Rape and robbery would be severely punished, with the death penalty being the most likely outcome. Most shockingly, acts of hooliganism were considered “serious” crimes, such as causing unnecessary trouble, mass fighting, humiliating women, and other acts that endanger public order. PAPF, one of the best police forces in Asia, is ranked 12th in the world.

11-CHP – California Highway Patrol – USA

Best Police Forces in The World

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is a law enforcement agency of the U.S. state of California. The CHP is responsible for patrolling all California highways and also acts as the state police.

The California Highway Patrol is the largest state police force in the United States, with more than 11,000 employees, 7,500 of whom are sworn officers. This police force is equipped with the latest fleet of motorcycles, cars and aircrafts.

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After the September 11, 2001, attacks, the CHP became responsible for securing and patrolling a number of possible terrorist targets in California. These sites include government buildings, nuclear power plants, and important infrastructure sites. The CHP also maintains a SWAT team on 24-hour standby to infiltrate any terrorist activity.

10- AFP – Australian Federal Police – Australia

Australian Federal Police (AFP)

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) was founded in 1979. AFW is responsible for implementing criminal law in Australia and protecting national interests in both Australia and overseas. There is a total of 6746 staff in the AFP. This figure does not include state police. Annual budget of AFP is AU$1.8 billion.

According to a Wikileaks report, the Australian Federal Police used the services of a well-known hacking company.

Australian Federal Police is very active and playing its role very effectively in maintaining peace in Australia. Currently AFP focusing on below areas.

  • Organized crime
  • Money laundering
  • Illicit drug trafficking
  • Organized people smuggling
  • Serious major fraud against the Government
  • Human Trafficking, including sexual servitude and human exploitation
  • Preventing, countering and investigating terrorism
  • Transnational and multi-jurisdictional crime
  • High Tech Crime involving information technology and communications

9-The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) – United States

  • Police officers: 10,000
  • Employees: 12,616
  • Annual budget: $1.4 billion

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the city of Los Angeles’ police department and the third largest in the United States. The LAPD has been operational since 1869. LAPD has the honor of creating the first SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team in the United States. The LAPD, one of the best city police forces in the world, has a very good reputation as a law enforcement department in the United States. LAPD covers an area of around 1,290 km2 (498 square miles).

The LAPD has been featured in various novels, television shows and films through history.

8-New Zealand Police

best police force

Formed in 1840 New Zealand Police is responsible of authorizing criminal law, improving public safety, keeping up the order and maintaining the peace all through New Zealand. With a staff of 11,413 employees, police is the largest law enforcement agency in the country. From implementing criminal law to maintaining national security and traffic to commercial vehicle enforcement, Police is responsible of everything.

New Zealand Police officers do not carry firearms during standard patrol. All police officers normally carry pepper spray and batons. The police are equipped with the latest tools like scanners and drones to perform their duties more efficiently. We ranked the New Zealand police force 8th among well-trained and good police forces in the world.

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7- Federal Police – Austria

Federal Police – Austria

The Austrian federal police was formed in 2005 by the merger of the gendarmerie (a former police unit). The Austrian police force is in charge of policing, local security, and border control. With an employee force of approximately 20,000, the federal police are performing really well. Austria came in third place on the list of the world’s most peaceful countries thanks to the efforts of the Federal Police. Austrian police are equipped with all the latest security weapons to overcome any situation.

6-Garda Síochána – Ireland


Ranked as the sixth best police force in the world, Garda Sochána, meaning “the Guardian of the Peace,” was formed in 1922. The Garda, more commonly referred to as the Gardaí, “Guardians”, is the police force of Ireland. The mission of An Garda Síochána is to work with communities to protect and serve. Some statistics of Garda Síochána are given below.

  • Employees          16,328
  • Budget                 €1.426 billion

You will be surprised to know that only 20–25 percent of Irish policemen know how to use firearms. Most Individual “Gardaí” have been equipped with ASP extendable batons and pepper spray. Despite this, Ireland has a much lower crime rate than the United States.

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5-Icelandic Police – Iceland

Icelandic Police – Iceland

Iceland is regarded as the most peaceful country in the world, and you may be surprised to learn that Icelandic police shot a man for the first time in the country’s history in 2013. The man first injured two police officers with his shotgun. The National Police Commissioner instantly apologized to the man’s family publicly.

While Icelandic police officers carry only batons and pepper spray while on duty, they are trained in the use of firearms and are issued firearms in some situations.

Icelandic Police was established in 1778 and covers an area of 103,000 km2. The total population of Iceland is 329,100. One third of its population carries firearms. The crime rate in Iceland is very low. It is because of the strong welfare system and the effective maintenance of law and order by the Icelandic police.

4-Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Canada

Best Police Forces in The World

The RCMP, which was established in 1920, is both Canada’s national and federal police force. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police provides law enforcement not only at the federal level but also covers eight provinces in Canada. The RCMP, as Canada’s national police force, is responsible for enforcing federal law throughout the country and maintaining law and order. The police are equipped with the latest tools to reduce crimes. With an amazing track record, the RCMP is tackling Canada’s crimes very well. Some details about the RCMP are given below.

  • Employees          28,640
  • Vehicles               8,677
  • Patrol vessels      5
  • Fixed-wings        32
  • Helicopters         10

3- NYPD – New York City Police Department – USA

best police force in the world
  • Employees: 51,000
  • Annual budget: $4.8 billion

The New York City Police Department (NYPD or NYCPD) is officially the New York City Police Department. The NYPD was established in 1845 and is the largest municipal police force in the United States. It covers an area of around 468.9 square miles (1,214 km2) under its jurisdiction. The NYPD is responsible for protecting a population of 8,405,000 people.

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One of the top police in USA, NYPD took number of initiatives has been undertaken implemented. Since their implementation, a dramatic decrease of more than 80% in violent crime and a remarkable improvement in quality of life has resulted. The following initiatives represent some of the more noteworthy and successful programs instituted by the NYPD.

  • The COMPSTAT (Crime Analysis) Process
  • Twelve New Police Strategies
  • Crime Reduction Principles
  • Vehicle Safety Check Points
  • Truancy Sweeps
  • Surveillance Cameras
  • Enhanced Intelligence Gathering
  • Suspect Background Identification

The NYPD also offers a good salary package. Rookie cops were paid a base salary of $41,975 per year. It operates nearly 27,000 vehicles. These include 8,839 police cars, 11 police boats, 8 helicopters, 120 horses, 31 German Shepherds, and 3 Bloodhound dogs. The NYPD is also one of the most highly trained police forces in the world.

2-The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

The International Criminal Police Organization, also known as INTERPOL, is an international organization that helps and facilitates local police departments at an international level. INTERPOL was founded in 1923 and currently has 192 countries as members. Every country is responsible for having its own NCB (National Central Bureau), managed by local law enforcement officers. This establishes a global network link with INTERPOL, enabling member countries to collaborate on cross-border investigations.

INTERPOL is a very useful department and plays a very important role in capturing the criminals who flee from one country to another.

1-Metropolitan Police Service (Scotland Yard Police)- England


One of the best police forces in Europe, the Metropolitan Police Service (Met), was founded in 1829. The Metropolitan Police Service is responsible for law enforcement in Greater London. The MET has a very good track record when it comes to dealing with criminals. One of the world’s best police forces, the MET, also known as Scotland Yard, is an internationally renowned police department with a great international track record, making it the best police force around the globe. The Metropolitan Police Department employed 48,661 full-time staff. This included 31,478 on-oath police officers, 13,350 non-police personnel, and 3,831 non-sworn police community support officers. This number excludes the 5,479 special constables who work part-time. With an annual budget of £4.1 billion, the Metropolitan Police is the largest police force in the United Kingdom and one of the largest in the world. Met obtained a fleet of 8000 vehicles used for different operations, including:

  • Area cars
  • Incident response vehicles (IRVs)
  • Traffic units
  • Protected carriers
  • Control units
  • Armored multi-role vehicles
  • General purpose vehicles
  • Training vehicles
  • Miscellaneous vehicles

The police are there to prosecute corrupt officials and criminals. There are many corrupt countries where the crime rate is too high and the police are also not taking sufficient measures. Which police department do you think is the best in the world? Tell us in the comments.