48 Spine Chilling Linemen Photos During Work

A lineman is the person who is responsible to maintain, repair and install High power distribution and transmission lines. Lineman also built the system which provide electricity to the end user from it’s source. Linemen get trained through a proper apprenticeship program which needs 4 years to complete. A fully skilled lineman is called Journeyman ore journey worker.

Being a linemen is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Electric shocks and burns, working on heights are the main threats for a lineman. Injuries consists on bruises, cuts and scrapes. Falling from heights is another reason of fatalities. We have collected linemen photos during work so that you get to know how much risk linemen takes to provide us electric power.

Check out these blood-curdling linemen photos.

1-Storm will pass, Lineman will come

linemen photos

2-Lineman’s Bed

linemen photos

3-Hanging and Banging


4-Playing with “Hot Wires”


5-Only linemen can do this

linemen photos

6-This picture worth more than thousand words.


7-Lineman can do sit ups 300ft in the air. Do you?


See Also: Top 10 Dirtiest Jobs in The World

8-One need balls of Iron to do this kind of thing

linemen photos

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9-Next time you switch on your electric appliance, Thank a lineman.

linemen photos

10-This is how lineman take nap.

lineman photos

11-This is how your houses looks bright at night.


12-Only line worker can do that without his balls getting in the way.

lineworker photos

See Also: 31 Most Funny Resignation Letters and Videos That Will Make You Quit Your Job like a Boss

13-Kiss of the Life


14-Just another day at work.


15-You can’t be a Lineman and a Pussy


16-It is not a job of faint hearts

linemen photos

17-It’s fun, It’s adventure, It’s thrilling.

linemen photos

18-Through rain and hail, Snow and Wind, Hurricanes and Tornadoes: Linemen are always there.

lineman jobs

19-It required steel balls.

linemen photos

See Also: 52 Nerve-Wracking Tower Climbers Photos During Work

20-I have friends in high places. What about you?

linemen photos

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lineman shirt hoodie

21-I get sweaty palms just looking at this!

lineman photos

22-How do ya get the cart up there to begin with? WOW!

linemen photos

23-Got Power? Thank a lineman!

lineman helicopter

24-Getting the Job done.


25-God bless our line workers

linemen photos

26-Proud lineman.

linemen photos

27-Can’t beat being a lineman!!!!

linemen photos

28-Bad-Ass linemen


29-Real man= Lineman


30-And you thought that you are doing wonders at your desk job!

linemen photos

31-Always ready to face any challenge.


32-Yo bro- Almost there.

linemen photos

33-Hero on the hook.


34-Doing the stuff done.

linemen photos

35-When men were men!


See Also: Top 10 Odd Jobs That Pay Amazingly Well

36-This well dressed lineman the old timers blow you out the box
