Sick Child Looks Out Hospital Window And Realizes The Construction Workers Have A Surprise

In Feb 2015, Vivian, a two year old girl was diagnosed with leukemia. She is admitted and being treated in St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

There was construction taking place outside of the hospital as seen directly from Vivian’s room’s window. Her family noticed that Vivian become more and more involved with the construction site. She used to wave her hand at the ironworkers who works on the cranes and beams. She even ask her family to give her own construction hat.

Vivian get noticed by two workers Greg Combos and Travis Barnes at first. They used to wave back and smile to her. She was absolutely delighted by gesture shown by construction workers. This awesome interaction went on for days as a special bond is formed on both sides of the glass.

One day, her mother, Ginger, noted two of the workers trying to get her attention.

When Vivian and her mom looked outside of the hospital window, they saw a very special message spray painted on a construction beam.

In an amazing effort to cheer up Vivian, crew workers Travis and Greg did something special, yet so powerful and emotional and it is going viral. Check it out in below window.